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Institutional Access : Request for Information

*fields are mandatory

*Name of Institution or Organization:
*Type of Institution:
Number of Members/Users:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Job Title:
Street No:
Street Name:
Postal Code/ Zip Code:
 Fax Number:
*E-mail Address:
*Contact Phone Number:
 Preferred mode of communication: E-mail Phone
 Billing preference: Credit Card Purchase Order/Invoice
*I am interested in: Entire site license
Standard Collection (Gold, Silver or Bronze)
Customised Collection
(To view the titles please Click Here )
 Select Access Types: IP Authentication
Referral URL
Library Card Login
Common Username/Password
SAML / Identity Provider Login(IDP) / Shibboleth
 How did you hear about us? Please specify:
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