It All Goes Wrong - DigitalBack Books
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  • It All Goes Wrong

  • By : Muller, Erna
  • Pages : 106
  • ISBN : 9789994582051
  • Publisher Name : ABC
  • Twelve-year-old Amy is devastated when her parents move from Cape Town to Windhoek. She misses her old life and finds Namibia so boring. But everything in Amyís life is changing and things that she took for granted are being swept away from her. As she struggles to make friends and fit in, her loneliness is intensified by difficulties at home. When Amy hears about girls disappearing, she takes no notice until someone she knows goes missing ...Will Amy be next?

    About the Author:

    Erna Müller is a Namibian writer of fiction for children and young adults. She has won several awards for her work in Namibia and South Africa. It all goes wrong is her eighth book. Besides writing novels, she has also had short stories printed in magazines. She holds a B.A. Degree in languages (Afrikaans, English, German, Sesotho), a Higher Education Diploma (Post-Graduate) and B.Ed. Degree in Education. After many years of teaching, she swapped the classroom for the quieter life as translator for a foreign information service and has worked as translator (independent contractor) for the past 14 years. Occasionally she still helps out temporarily at schools when there is a great need. She likes to read and to play lawn bowls over weekends. Erna has been married to Berndt Müller for 25 years and they have one daughter