The Women, Gender and Development Reader - DigitalBack Books
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  • The Women, Gender and Development Reader

  • By : Visvanathan, Nalini:: Duggan, Lynn:: Wiegersma, Nan:: Nisonoff, Laurie
  • Pages : 472
  • ISBN : 9781780321387
  • Publisher Name : Zed Books
  • The Women, Gender and Development Reader is the definitive volume of literature dedicated to women in the development process. Now in a fully revised second edition, the editors expertly present the impacts of social, political and economic change by reviewing such topical issues as migration, persistent structural discrimination, the global recession, and climate change. Approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, the theoretical debates are vividly illustrated by an array of global case studies. This now classic book, has been designed as a comprehensive reader, presenting the best of the now vast body of literature. The book is divided into five parts, incorporating readings from the leading experts and authorities in each field. The result is a unique and extensive discussion, a guide to the evolution of the field, and a vital point of reference for those studying or with a keen interest in women in the development process.