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  • This September Sun

  • By : Rheam, Bryony
  • Pages : 376
  • ISBN : 9780797493780
  • Publisher Name : ABC
  • This September Sun won the Best First Book prize at the 2010 Zimbabwe Book PublishersĂ­ Association Awards. The book is a chronicle of the lives of two women, the romantic Evelyn and her granddaughter Ellie. Growing up in post-Independence Zimbabwe, Ellie yearns for a life beyond the confines of small town Bulawayo, a wish that eventually comes true when she moves to the United Kingdom. However, life there is not all she dreamed it to be, but it is the murder of her grandmother that eventually brings her back home and forces her to face some hard home truths through the unravelling of long-concealed family secrets.

    About the Author:
    Bryony Rheam was born in Kadoma in 1974 and has lived most of her life in and around Bulawayo. She studied for a BA and an MA in English literature in the UK and then spent a year lecturing in Singapore. She returned to Zimbabwe in 2001 where she taught at Peterhouse and Girls‚ College until her recent move to Ndola, Zambia. She and her partner, John, have two daughters, Sian and Ellie. Bryony was published in Laughing Now (2007), Women Writing Zimbabwe (2008) and Long Time Coming (2008).