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  • Nollybooks: Business of Love

  • By : Pamela Moeng
  • ISBN : 9780992175122
  • Publisher Name : MME Media
  • Naledi Moagi was really excited to land a job at one of the top marketing consultancies in the country. The downside was that it also happened to be where her very first childhood crush worked. Good-looking and arrogant Tumi Moeketsi is not just any old colleague, he is the grandson of the founder of the company. After years abroad, he’s back to help his grandfather run the family business. Tumi and Naledi are soon thrown together to work on an important pitch but Tumi doesn’t hide his disdain for what he sees as another gold-digger out to mine the family’s wealth. Will he be proven right? Or will Naledi convince him otherwise? Either way the growing attraction between the two is set to complicate their working relationship.